Research Team “Tim Riset Geulis Unpad” Gives Reproductive Health Education for Women Workers
Jatinangor, On Friday, the research team Tim Riset Geulis Universitas Padjadjaran held the event “Caring-Sharing-Screening Kanker Payudara dan Kanker Rahim” or “Caring-Sharing-Screening Breast and Uterine Cancer” in the Pengetahuan Theatre of the Unpad’s Rectorate building to commemorate World Caring Day.
Dr. Puspa Sari. M.Keb., chair of Tim Riset Geulis, says the research that has been conducted since 2023 shows that many women, especially women workers, were not yet completely familiar with reproductive health. Women face many challenges when it comes to understanding reproductive health, such as their limited time due to their working hours, the lack of information about the importance of early detection, and the belief that there is no need to screen in healthy conditions.
“So, other than research, we also want to do community service, specifically for the internal community in Universitas Padjadjaran, and then after the internal, we will spread out,” says Puspa. In addition, Puspa says that some of the activities held at the event include providing information about breast and cervical cancer, sharing experiences from cancer patients, and conducting free blood sugar checks and Pap smears.
Puspa hopes that implementing these activities that raise the theme of caring, sharing, and screening can be one of the media for delivering information about women’s reproductive health. She also hopes that all women will become more concerned about their reproductive health, and be motivated to live a healthy lifestyle, as well as conduct early detection.
“Because of this, workers, especially women workers, will have the appearance of geulis (pretty). Not only pretty physically but also have the characteristics of being healthy, diligent, good, and grateful,” Puspa says. She adds that Tim Riset Geulis has always received support from many parties in their activities, such as the Chair of D-4 Kebidanan (Midwifery), the Head of Pusdi SKIP-Nakes FK Unpad, the Dean of FK Unpad, and the Director of SDM Unpad. Additionally, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences and all other faculties in Unpad also supported this service program.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah