About Us

Last updated: December 25, 2021

Welcome to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran.

Ever since established as the Faculty of Letters in 1958, we have been continuously developing ourselves and adapting to the times. In 2012, the name “Faculty of Letters” was changed into the Faculty of Cultural Sciences to accommodate the complexity and intersectionality of the fields that have been considered to be the core of this faculty, namely language, literature, and history. This change allows the development of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and even transdisciplinary cultural studies using a theoretical framework that is more critical, inclusive, and sensitive to diversity.

In 2026, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences aims to become a leading institution in implementing world-class higher education standards, maintaining our strong commitment and integrity in producing competent human resources in the fields of language, literature, culture, and history, equipping them with the skills and abilities to be adaptive to various changes, as well as the intelligence in developing an entrepreneurial spirit. In doing that, we always make sure to remember this phrase: “ngakar di sarakan, punjul di buana” (feet grounded at home, arms embracing the world). While we are pursuing the international world, we will not forget where we came from.

As the 12th Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, one of the only three women from the twelve deans who have led this faculty, I am truly honored to continue the previous deans’ mission in bringing the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran even closer to the attention of the international academia. During our journey to achieve this goal, we aim to celebrate and respect diversity even more, uphold our academic integrity, and increase this faculty’s contribution in developing knowledge that will be beneficial not only for the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, but also for Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, and the world.

In maintaining Universitas Padjadjaran’s spirit to become a world-class university with a hybrid learning system, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences moves quickly in building a more egalitarian academic atmosphere and stronger networks with domestic and foreign partners, as well as increasing exposure to international academia. We are also striving to adapt to the “new normal” by utilizing digital and information technology in teaching and learning. As proof of the process, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran is now ranked 197, according to the QS Ranking by Subject, in the field of performing arts.

The Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran is a place to study, work, contribute to society, and develop ourselves.

Every day is a new journey with new experiences. Our goals are not merely dreams, nor are they merely wishful thinking. Let us join hands to walk together towards the world stage.

Welcome to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran, our pride.

Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Padjadjaran

Prof. Aquarini Priyatna, M.A., M.Hum., Ph.D.