History Study Program

History Study Program

Ilmu Budaya / 2 days ago

The History Study Program of The Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran focuses on learning, research, and community service in the field of history. This program currently holds an “A” accreditation according to a decree from BAN-PT with the certificate number: 1518/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2017.

This program especially excels in the field of public history, which is why we are strongly committed to making it become the study center of Public History that is widely recognized locally, nationally, and internationally 2026.


The curriculum of this program is arranged to accommodate the formulation of attitude, general skills and knowledge, as well as specific skills that are needed in this field of study. The courses are divided into compulsory courses required by the university, faculty, and study program, as well as elective courses.

The History Study Program always emphasizes the importance of developing this field and keeping up with the times in order to produce competent alumni in the field of public history. To achieve this, the study program is always adaptive to changes at local, national, and international levels, with students and faculty members who are also adept at developing an entrepreneurial spirit.

This program’s research focuses on local, national and international issues of historical and cultural development. Community service activities are also carried out to support the development of science and technology for academia, the government, industry, and society as a whole. Graduates of this program will be awarded the title: Sarjana Humaniora (S.Hum.) or Bachelor of Humanities.

Career Opportunities

  • Manager of Historical Resources (Archivists, Curators, etc.)
  • Public History Analyst (History Consultant, Researcher, Historian, etc.)