“Halo, Bu Dekan” – Sexual Violence Complaint Service Initiated by FIB Unpad
Faculty of Cultural Sciences Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) launched a sexual harrassment complaint service on campus, “Halo, Bu Dekan” (Hello Mrs. Dean). The service was officially introduced on Monday, April 4, 2022. “Halo Bu Dekan” is a preventive and curative service for victims of sexual harassment or violence. Witnesses or victims of sexual violence may report incidents through FIB’s official WhatsApp channel at 0821 1616 2020.
Vice Dean for Learning, Student Affairs, and Research at Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unpad, Lina Meilinawati Rahayu, elaborates that the program was created to facilitate victims of sexual violence to feel safe when reporting. Over the past month, Lina reported that FIB received a number of complaints from victims of sexual harassment or violence whose incidents had been going on for quite a long time. Victims or survivors are usually reluctant to report because they are worried and anxious about their cases being exposed to the public.
“Victims are reluctant to report, maybe because they are afraid or embarrassed too. It really does take courage to report such things,” Lina explained to Tempo on Monday, April 4.
Before “Halo Bu Dekan” was formed, Lina claimed that FIB had previously formed an anti-sexual harassment and violence task force. FIB has also bridged complaints through the Student Executive Board via telephone or through written submissions. FIB Dean, Aquarini Priyatna, a feminist activist and also part of the Center for Gender and Child Research, often engaged in discussions with the task force to address the issue and take further actions.
From these forums, Lina stated that FIB recognized the need for a special channel for safe complaints for victims of sexual violence. “We feel this channel is very urgent. Through “Halo Bu Dekan”, victims can complain at any time via WhatsApp, which is easy to access and remember 0821-1616-2020,” explained Lina.
Victims can report directly by describing the chronology of events through the WhatsApp channel through the number above. When reporting, victims or witnesses can mention names, initials, or not mention names if they decide not to. “You may list out the chronology and state who the perpetrator is. Do include evidence if there is so.” she added.
If the complaint has sufficient supporting evidence, the report will be followed up by a task force consisting of the FIB board, two lecturers, two teaching staff, and two student representatives.
As for the safety of the complainant, Lina guarantees the security of their personal data. She noted that only faculty leaders who are committed to eradicating sexual violence have access to the WhatsApp messages of complaints. “We guarantee it is safe,” she stated.
Lina elaborated that the campus strongly condemns all acts of sexual violence. Unpad, she claimed, supports the Ministry of Education’s regulation Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. Unpad has also issued a chancellor’s regulation to handle this matter. “With this regulation, we have the strength to not hesitate to take firm action against perpetrators of sexual harassment or violence,” she urged.
Writer: Tim Media Unpad
Translator: Dhia Anaulva Putri