Sundanese Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran started the ninth month by holding a public lecture entitled Dual Perspectives: Fifty Years of Sunda-California Cultural Exchange in the FIB World Class University framework. This program successfully presented Margot Rose Lederer, a Sundanese culture-loving master urban planner from UC Berkeley who is also a Sundanese Heritage and Sundanese Dancers member, to discuss cultural exchanges between Sunda and America. This event was held hybridly through a Zoom meeting and at the Japanese Language Study Center Hall, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, on Thursday, September 1, 2022 from 09.00 – 11.00 WIB. The event was hosted by Dr. Lina Meilinawati Rahayu, M.Hum., and responded by Dr. Taufik Ampera, M.Hum.
In her presentation, Margot shared about Sundanese arts, including music, drama, and theater, which were developed in California. It was even mentioned that Gamelan music, which is included in Sundanese culture, has been exhibited internationally since 1893 at the World’s Fair Chicago. Until now, the musical instruments are still well stored at the Field Museum in Chicago.
In the following years, Sundanese art has never ceased to participate in the international arena. This is proven by its participation in global events in America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Many great Indonesian artists, especially Sundanese, were also involved, such as Enoch Atmadibrata, Irawati Durban Ardjo, Nugraha Sudiredja, Nining Sekarningsih, Rucita, Undang Sumarna, and Endo Suanda.
Since 1974, Sundanese art in California has been well preserved. Musical instruments such as gamelan can be found in several educational institutions, including the University of California Santa Cruz and the University of California UC Davis. Similarly, other arts, such as wayang golek, theater, or drama, as well as rampak dance, are performed and introduced.
During her chat with Sundanese Literature study program students, Margot also shared why she fell in love with Sundanese culture. Apart from her family, which helps her build her love for culture, Margot also believes that art and culture are one way to express her concern for social, natural, and economic issues. The gentleness and emotion evoked in Sundanese music, such as the strains of the suling and the friction of the rebab, as well as the passionate rhythms in the drumming of the kendang, further fostered her love for Sundanese art.
Another factor that eventually made Margot seriously pursue Sundanese art even being excellent at performing butterfly dance and sulintang dance, is because in dancing, a woman is not limited by the gender attached to her. When dancing, a woman can be anything and perform any role according to what she wants to convey. Through dance, a woman is given the freedom to express herself.
Margot has been interested in Sundanese culture since she graduated from high school. Since then, her determination to explore Sundanese culture has become more determined, as proven by her visit to Indonesia and a village in Cirebon to learn Sundanese dances. Because of this interest, Margot established relationships and friendships with various institutions to maintain, introduce, and develop Sundanese culture in the international arena. The Sundanese cultural exchange relationship with California is expected to be a positive thing that will have a reciprocal relationship that has a good impact on the sustainability of Sundanese culture. The international cooperation that has been built is expected to strengthen the existence of Sundanese culture globally.
With a master’s in urban planning, Margot could also explain the role and influence of culture in the urban planning process. According to her, art, music, theater, and crafts greatly influence the formation of a city. To create public spaces and open creative minds, cultural elements should be considered more deeply to appreciate the history and struggles of the great people behind the creation of art and culture.
Local culture should be used to create a modern environment without losing the essence of art and culture so that all levels of society know their identity. By being the basis of urban development planning, a culture serves as a reminder that we should always start with small steps that have a big impact on the future. We can do everything possible to bring Sundanese culture to a broader international realm. Still, the whole community has an important role that must be balanced with a legal umbrella from the government. The community must support the implementation of Law Number 5 of 2017 to achieve the common goal of bringing Sundanese culture to the world stage.
Writer: Taufik Rahayu
Translator: Firda Khoirunnisa