Unpad’s University Hospital is Officially Opened
Jatinangor, June 12, 2024 – Bey Machmudin (as Governer of West Java), Prof. Rina Indiastuti (as Chancellor of Universitas Padjadjaran), and Arief Yahya (as Chairperson of Unpad Board of Trustees) opened Rumah Sakit Unpad at the Jatinangor campus on Monday, March 25, 2024.
Bey says that he is optimistic that the hospital will improve the community’s access to quality healthcare and reduce the burden on other hospitals in West Java. He also adds that ultimately the community will get quicker and more convenient health services.
After this facility’s opening, Rumah Sakit Unpad will first be utilized for education and learning activities for the Unpad Academic Community. Currently, RS Unpad already has an operational license as a type C hospital. Its hospital services will also soon be widely opened to the public after the issuance of a type B hospital operating license from the West Java Provincial Government.
From this occasion, Bey hopes that the RS Unpad will become a center of excellence in education, research, and health services, and be able to provide high-quality health services to the community at affordable costs. Bey also hopes that RS Unpad can be a momentum for the development of health services in West Java. He also gives a reminder about the maintenance of the hospital that must be done. “I am sure that with strong leadership and solid cooperation from all parties, this hospital will achieve its goals and provide great benefits to the community,” says Bey.
The Chancellor of Unpad, in her speech, says that this hospital was built to contribute to the community, including the people of West Java, regarding quality health services supported by the results of research and technology. In addition, RS Unpad is also used as a means of education and training for health professionals, as well as developing innovations in clinical care and community treatment. “The goal is noble, not only as a means of education but also to contribute to the surrounding community, especially the people of West Java, by making them healthier. Hence, the motto ‘healthy and smart’,” says the Chancellor.
The plan to build RS Unpad is carried out in two stages. Currently, the construction of phase 1 has been completed using independent costs of Unpad and West Java Provincial Government collaboration, and the need for medical equipment has been fulfilled, thanks to the assistance of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, and Unpad alumni. In the next step, the construction of phase 2 will be carried out through the KPBU program (Kerja Sama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha or “Government and Business Entity Cooperation”). The hospital in this phase will then be developed into a type A hospital.
“For Unpad itself, the presence and ownership of Rumah Sakit Pendidikan [‘University Hospital’] is very strategic, and certainly it is also meant to support the improvement of quality education and research in the field of health and medicine, as well as the usefulness of Unpad for the people of West Java, Indonesia, and the world,” says the Chancellor.
Herry Herman, dr., Sp.OT., PhD (as President Director of Universitas Padjadjaran Hospital) says that the health workers at Rumah Sakit Unpad are staffed by five health faculties at Universitas Padjadjaran, namely the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Faculty of Psychology. “We have done the staffing by utilizing the 5 health faculties at Universitas Padjadjaran,” Herry says.
Additionally, on the same occasion, the signing of a Cooperation Agreement was also done between Unpad and Bank BJB regarding the Provision of Banking Products and Services at RS Unpad. The agreement was carried out by Prof. Ida Nurlinda (as Vice Chancellor for Resources and Finance of Unpad) with the Head of the Institutional Relations Division of Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah