Unpad Offers 3 Special Invitation Paths in New Student Selection
Jatinangor, January 12, 2024. With the spirit of equality, Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) opens three special invitation paths and one scholarship for people with disabilities in the 2024 new student selection.
The following is a further explanation related to the three special invitation paths of Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) in 2024:
Invitation for Outstanding Students from Underrepresented Schools
Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of Unpad Prof. Arief S. Kartasasmita said that this program is aimed at students from schools whose alumni have never been accepted at Unpad before. Students from these schools get a special opportunity in the form of priority to be accepted at Unpad.
“There’s no need for students coming from school with no seniors attending at Unpad to be discouraged,” he said.
Prof. Arief continued that Unpad already has a database of schools managed to be accepted at Unpad in the past five years. Therefore, Unpad will give its focus on students who graduated from schools whose seniors have never been accepted at Unpad and thus will be given special attention
Invitation for Students whose Families Have Never Studied at a University
This second invitation is offered and explicitly prioritized to students who are high in achievement but from families whose members have never continued their education to college.
Responding to this, Prof. Arief said that Unpad will pay special attention to students who are the initiators in their families to continue their education in college because the student is their family’s first representative.
In addition, the Director of Education and Internationalization of Unpad, Mohamad Fahmi, S.E., M.T., assessed that this program has the ambition to offer more opportunities for people without access to higher education. It is expected that the welfare of one’s family will improve with the help of this program.
As part of the implementation, Unpad will open special registration for this program on the Internal Selection Entrance Path (Jalur Mandiri). Prospective applicants are required to submit the necessary documents and a statement that the student is the first representative of the family to attend college.
Invitation for Outstanding Students from 3T Regions
Through this program, Unpad invites outstanding students from schools located in the 3T regions in Indonesia. Prof. Arief said that Unpad will invite the best students in these regions for a “free pass” to enter Unpad without taking various complex tests.
This consideration is given because not all Indonesian students have the same opportunity to continue their studies to higher education. Therefore, this program is specially made to all provinces in Indonesia that are in the 3T group area.
In West Java, Unpad will now prioritize prospective new students from regions on the south coast. This is because the percentage of students from West Java in Unpad is already at around 67 per cent, whereas students from big cities in West Java also fill this number.
Apart from these three special invitation paths, Unpad provides scholarship programs for people with disabilities in the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) and National Selection Based on Test (SNBT) paths.
This year, people with disabilities have the same opportunity to enroll in all study programs at Unpad. However, Prof. Arief said that Unpad will still encourage participants to choose a study program that suits their conditions.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Firda Khoirunnisa