Unpad Internal Teaching Assistance: A Form of Equitable Education and Unpad Student Services in Jatinangor
Jatinangor, June 30, 2023 – Universitas Padjadjaran opens opportunities for all students to learn and teach effectively. This is implemented through the Universitas Padjadjaran Internal Teaching Assistance program. This program was started by the first batch in 2021. Unpad Internal Teaching Assistance is a learning activity program carried out by students collaboratively with teachers/tutors/facilitators/parents in various educational units around the Unpad Jatinangor campus.
The presence of teaching assistants allows for a more interactive learning environment and responsiveness for students, thus, the learning process can take place more effectively. In addition, through teaching assistance, Unpad students also have the opportunity to develop their teaching skills and gain practical experience in the field of education.
The Teaching Assistance Batch 5 of Universitas Padjadjaran Year 2023 is held from January 10, 2023 to June 20, 2023. This activity is attended by Unpad students who are at least in their 4th semester and can be followed by all students in all faculties at Universitas Padjadjaran. All students are free to choose subjects, but are advised to choose subjects that are in accordance with the study programs in their respective faculties. The Faculty of Cultural Science, for instance, is dominated by students who teach Indonesian, English, religion, and thematic subjects.
One of the schools being taught by students of the Cultural Sciences is SMK Baabul Kamil, located in Cikuda, Jatinangor. In addition to collaboration between teachers and students, Unpad students also collaborated with each other. As done by Reza Amin Yasiri with Muhamad Rizal from the Arabic study program. They collaborated by creating teaching materials for religious subjects and taught in the same classes. In the process, teaching activities in the classroom are filled with diverse materials and delivered through interactive learning, where Unpad students invited high school students to play an active role in expressing opinions, collaborating with colleagues, and practicing public speaking skills.
The teaching assistance activity at SMK Baabul Kamil ended with high school students giving letters of impressions and messages to students who had taught. The letters were positive and showed their enthusiasm for the teaching assistance activities of Universitas Padjadjaran.
Writer: Lusiana Dewi Saefudin
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah