![The Officially Established Duties of Unpad’s PPKS Task Force](https://fib.unpad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/satgas-PPKS.jpeg)
The Officially Established Duties of Unpad’s PPKS Task Force
Jatinangor, October 17 – Monday (29/08), Universitas Padjadjaran established the Task Force for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (“Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual” or PPKS) Unpad Period 2022-2024. A total of 9 people, including lecturers, education staff, and students have been appointed to the Unpad PPKS Task Force.
Based on the Chancellor’s Decree Number 3881/UN6.RKT/Kep/HK/2022 dated August 29, 2022, the nine names were appointed as the Unpad PPKS Task Force. The Chancellor’s Decree explains some of the duties of the Unpad PPKS Task Force:
Assisting university leaders to develop guidelines for the prevention and handling of sexual violence (PPKS) in universities;
Conducting a sexual violence survey at least once every six months in higher education;
Delivering the results of the survey to university leaders;
Socializing gender equality education, disability equality, sexual and reproductive health education, and prevention and handling of sexual violence for campus residents;
Following up on sexual violence based on reports;
Coordinating with units that handle disability services, if the report involves victims, witnesses, reporters, and/or reporters with disabilities;
Coordinating with relevant agencies in providing protection to victims and witnesses;
Monitor the implementation of recommendations from the Task Force by university leaders;
Submitting a report on PPKS activities to university leaders at least once every six months.
Chairperson of the Task Force, Antik Bintari, M.T., says that in general, the duties of the Task Force are in accordance with Permendikbud Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education, namely preventing and handling/responding to cases.
In the short term, the Task Force team will immediately compile Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) related to the flow of reports, the flow of coordination, and cooperation with strategic partners, both on and off campus.
Antik says that the PPKS Unpad Task Force will link up internally with the Legal Aid Bureau (Biro Bantuan Hukum), psychology services, Gender and Child Research Center (Puris Riset Gender dan Anak), as well as with BEM at the faculty and university levels. Meanwhile, off-campus partners will be linked to several NGOs and government agencies that have technical implementation units in handling cases.
The structure of the Unpad PPKS Task Force is as follows:
Chairperson : Antik Bintari, S.I.P., M.T.
Secretary : Jovanna Tan
Members : Dr. Ari Jogaiswara Adipurwawidjana, drs., M.A.
Dr. Lies Sulistiani, S.H., M.Hum.,
Eka Komalasari Adiwilaga, S.T., S.E., MM, Ak,
Fikri Triandhika
Gita Mega Andriani Pasaribu
Siska Bradinda Putri Sudirman
Yahya Achmad Hamim.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah