The New Face of PSBJ Canteen in FIB Unpad
Jatinangor, August 23, 2023 – The dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unpad, Prof. Aquarini Priyatna inaugurated the renovation of the canteen symbolically with a ribbon cutting.
The renovation of the FIB PSBJ Canteen is one of the steps to manage facilities in the FIB Unpad environment to improve the quality of environmental comfort.
With this renovation, the PSBJ canteen has become more organized with improved kitchen quality, additional tables and chairs, and better lighting. In addition, the PSBJ canteen has also become cleaner with a waste management and cleaning policy that is assisted by outsourced staff.
In addition to renovations to the PSBJ canteen, there were also renovations to the bridge that connects the PSBJ field with the main door of the canteen. It has been beautified and can be a unique spot for photos.
Vice Dean for Resources and Organization of FIB Unpad, Dr. Mumuh Muchsin, at the end of the inauguration advised that the renovated facilities be maintained and cared for by always ensuring the cleanliness and tidiness of the facilities, as well as implementing a smoking ban in the canteen, in order to provide a sense of comfort for all students, lecturers, and education staff in FIB Unpad.
Hopefully, with these renovations, the sense of pride in FIB Unpad will increase.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah