“Smart Watering” as a Smart Hydroponic Device for Lecturers and Students of FTIP Unpad

“Smart Watering” as a Smart Hydroponic Device for Lecturers and Students of FTIP Unpad

Ilmu Budaya / February 10, 2023

Jatinangor, West Java – The research team of the Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology (FTIP) Universitas Padjadjaran has developed a hydroponic device using the principle of the self-watering system without using electrical energy.

FTIP Unpad lecturer Dr. Sophia Dwiratna Nur Perwitasari, M.T., together with five students: Diki Abdulah, Chaerul Amin, Shilvya Dewi Agustien, Annisa Nurdiah, and Salma Waffiyah developed a device called “Smart Watering”. This device is a downstream product of the 2018-2019 Higher Education Excellence Basic Research chaired by Dr. Sophia. Then, this product was proposed in a business competition facilitated by the Unpad Student Pre-Startup Innovation Grant (HIPSMU).

Diki reveals that the use of electricity in hydroponics is quite high, especially the use of electricity for water management. Therefore, “Smart Watering” is here to answer the problem. In addition, Diki also explains that “Smart Watering” utilizes gravity, the Archimedes principle, and capillarity, and provides results that are as good as systems that use electrical energy for irrigation.

The use of “Smart Watering” is ensured to increase efficiency in the use of water and nutrients, and of course, to save electricity. In addition, this product can be used for various types of plants and hydroponic methods, such as substrate and water culture.

“We apply a self-watering system, where 100% of the water and nutrients will be absorbed by the plants. We minimize the evaporation process from the growing media,” explains Diki.

This product uses various components consisting of reservoirs, buckets, valves, and irrigation channels. Regarding usage, the reservoir is first filled with water and nutrients, then when the faucet is opened, the water and nutrients will enter each valve in the container, where the valve will regulate the irrigation.

“Each bucket will be irrigated by a valve according to the needs of the plants,” adds Diki.

Thus, users do not need to water every day. The process of watering plants only takes once a week or according to the plant’s growth phase.

Diki and his team have the principle of “farming without hassle”, where the use of “Smart Watering” is considered practical, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. In other words, they strive to create a product that is easy to use with optimal results.

Regarding the physical characteristics of the product, one installation of the product measures about 150×60 cm, and is estimated to be able to be used for 70 holes of leafy green plants and 10 fruit plants. In response to this, Diki said that this product can be utilized on the terraces of houses or yards. In addition, the product is easy to pack, and installation is simple.

Since September 2020, this product has been marketed and used in various regions. Diki and his team hope that people (especially those living in urban areas) will find it easy to grow crops in their own yards with this product. They also hope that the product can contribute in improving Indonesia’s food security.

“We really hope that this product can create jobs for many people because we will also produce it on a larger scale,” concludes Diki.

Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah