Promising News, Kema Unpad Finally Has a Candidate Leader!
Jatinangor, January 25, 2023 – The Student Executive Board of Universitas Padjadjaran (BEM Kema Unpad) has held a Student Meeting (Musyma) regarding the nomination and determination of candidates for the names of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of BEM, as well as the Board of Trustees – Student Representative (“Majelis Wali Amanat – Wakil Mahasiswa” or MWA-WM) Unpad 2023 on Monday (23/01). The deliberation resulted in two pairs of candidates for Chairman and Vice Chairman of BEM Kema, as well as a single candidate for MWA WM.
Hundreds of Student Families of Universitas Padjadjaran (Kema Unpad) watched the deliberation through the Zoom Meeting platform. The Chairperson of BEM Kema Unpad 2022, Virdian Aurellio, opened the event by presenting a brief explanation of the leader vacancy issue that occurred. Furthermore, Virdian handed over the technical explanation of the nominaees to the Chair of the Student Representative Body (BPM), Raushan Fikri. Before starting the explanation, Raushan explained about the Right of Discretion, namely the urgency to override the Student General Election (“Pemilihan Raya Mahasiswa” or Prama) regulations with Musyma as a benchmark in the election. With an urgent situation, the determination of the nominees is carried out unconditionally.
Regarding the transparency of candidate submission, Prama Unpad has released the results of the Google Form through @pramaunpad Instagram upload on (23/12). In the upload, there were five names submitted to become Candidates for BEM Chair, two names for BEM Vice Chair, and three names for MWA-WM.
Each name that has been submitted is then asked about their willingness to run. As a result, two pairs of candidates for Chairman and Vice Chairman of BEM were produced, namely Mohamad Haikal Febrian Syah (Faperta) and Fuji Fitri (FIB), and Yusuf Iskandar (FISIP) and Fitrasani Aulia (FK). In addition, on (24/01), Prama has drawn the serial numbers of the participants. For the Chairman and Vice Chairman of BEM, Haikal – Fuji got number one, while Yusuf – Aulia got number two. For MWA-WM itself, there was only a single candidate, Fissilmi Kaffah (Fikom).
Timeline of the Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman of BEM Kema Unpad and MWA-WM Unpad:
January 24: Drawing of participants’ serial numbers
January 25 – 27: Independent campaign from candidates
January 27: Candidate debate
January 27: WM Board of Trustees Public Test
January 28 – 30: Voting Period
January 31: Determination of the elected Chair and Vice Chair of BEM
After passing through various twists and turns, Kema Unpad finally has a candidate leader who will compete in the Unpad General Election.
Let us continue to observe the prospective leaders of Kema Unpad.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah