![FPIK Unpad Develops Startup Based on Maritime Technology](https://fib.unpad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jack-dont-swim-1.jpg)
FPIK Unpad Develops Startup Based on Maritime Technology
Having a startup that supports maritime affairs is one way that stakeholders can promote and enhance efforts to achieve sustainable living.
One of these startups is fostered and developed by the academic community of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, namely “Jack Don’t Swim”. This startup has been one of the participants of the “Blue Tech Accelerator”, an ambitious global program that brings together a number of startups from various countries engaged in the maritime sector to showcase their innovations.
On the other hand, Jack Don’t Swim is also one of the startups that received a Technology-Based Startup Candidate (CPPBT) grant by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and received coaching from the Business Incubation Center / Oorange Unpad.
At the “Blue Tech Accelerator Program” event, this startup was attended by one alumnus and two marine students of FPIK Unpad, namely Kemaal Sayyid Zenyda, S.Kel., (CEO), Salsa Dewi K (CMO), and Alif Sumantri (CTO).
Salsa says to Kanal Media Unpad that the startup developed by her team provides various technological innovations and services.
“Jack Don’t Swim is a startup engaged in marine instrumentation technology whose business activity is to develop marine instruments or tools to support data availability in Indonesia. Examples of our products are RHEA and ARHEA. In addition to developing products, we also provide rental and reseller services for several products from marine instruments,” he says.
The participants in the event received assistance from several mentors, such as David Cutler (Co-Founder of Fortuna Cools), Primiaty Natalia (Government and Community Coordinator in Thresher Shark Indonesia), Anna Oposa (Co-Founder Officer and Founder of Bluepreneur Asia Ventures), Mary Jane Lamoste (Founder of Tagpi-Tagpi), and Swietenia Puspa Lestari (Co-Founder and Executive Director of Divers Clean Action). In this program, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) also plays a role in supporting the development of effective communication strategies.
In addition to demonstrating innovation, Salsa also added that this international program is a place to increase knowledge, especially related to stakeholder mapping and power analysis, communication strategy, and sustainable planning.
“On the other hand, we also received many new insights in various matters from great mentors, which can also help us develop in running this business,” she explains.
Salsa hopes that Jack Don’t Swim can become one of the fostered startups that can continue to grow and contribute to solving various problems in the marine sector in Indonesia.
In line with Salsa, innovator and pioneer of Jack Don’t Swim and FPIK Unpad lecturer, Noir Primadona Purba, M.Si., also expresses his aspiration that his startup can contribute to the advancement of maritime technology in Indonesia. On the other hand, he adds that through this startup, Unpad students and alumni also show their contribution in technological innovation and marine instruments.
Noir also hopes that through the “Blue Tech Accelerator Program”, the entrepreneurial abilities of Unpad students and alumni startups can increase.
“For this reason, by participating in this activity, they will better understand the context of how to manage a startup company. Because this is an international scale, hopefully they will gain more knowledge,” says Noir.
Writer: Maria Imanuella Dewi Sekartaji
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah