Pusat Studi Bahasa Jepang (PSBJ), Unpad FIB’s Japanese Language Center
Unpad FIB’s Japanese Language Center known as Pusat Studi Bahasa Jepang (PSBJ) was established in 1988 and was a historic building of the Japanese Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, Unpad at that time. The Japanese Language and Literature Department at that time was considered successful in bridging the relationship between Indonesia and Japan. The building, which has been called the PSBJ building since its inception, was aided by the Japanese government (JICA).
The hard work of the Japanese Literature lecturers at that time had optimally intensified academic implementation, not only for students and lecturers of Japanese literature at the municipal level and at the West Java level but even at the National level. Among them are the Implementation of the Japanese Language and Culture Week ‘Bunkasai’ which is held annually in collaboration with state and private universities throughout West Java, Pre Overseas Training (POT) in collaboration with DIKTI for 4 consecutive years (2002-2006), the Japanese Language Program in collaboration with IPTN (NSI), and the Japanese language course program in collaboration with ITB (OECF).
Cooperation with The Japan Foundation – Embassy of Japan, universities, and city governments in Japan, was the beginning of a fairly good historical journey and is still being implemented until now. The routine program of implementing Bunkasai which this year is the 42nd implementation always receives assistance from The Japan Foundation specifically for organizing the West Java Level Japanese Language Speech Competition and also the implementation of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (UKBJ) for the West Java regional area which is always held every year in December.
PSBJ has also collaborated with the Fujisawa city government, Kanagawa prefecture – Japan in the Shounan Cultural mission program. Through this program, outstanding students in the field of Culture will be sent to Japan every month to introduce Indonesian Culture to elementary and junior high school students there. This is definitely an opportunity for Japanese Literature Study Program students to get the best experience as university representatives as well as Indonesian cultural ambassadors.
The current position of PSBJ is under the auspices of the faculty and is directly responsible to the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, will coordinate with the heads of departments within the Faculty and will always coordinate with the Head of the Japanese Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Padjadjaran University.
PSBJ provides services related to the Japanese language, one of which is the implementation of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Information through the JLPT organized by PSBJ can be accessed through the following link:
Writer: Maria Imanuella Dewi Sekartaji
Translator: Firda Khoirunnisa