Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), HKBP Nommensen University Medan (UNH) Visits Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unpad to Study Accreditation
A delegation from the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), HKBP Nommensen University Medan (UNH) visited the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran on Tuesday, July 5, to exchange ideas and exchange experiences in an effort to upgrade accreditation scores. The event was held in the Hall of the Center for Japanese Studies (PSBJ) FIB Unpad and guided by Taufik Ampera as the Manager of Research, Cooperation, and Innovation FIB Unpad. The Dean of FIB Unpad, Prof. Aquarini Priyatna delivered her speech, followed by the Dean of FBS UNH, Prof. Junita Batubara.
On this occasion, the Head of English Literature Study Program FIB Unpad, Dr. Ari J. Adipurwawidjana elaborated the quality control strategy and efforts to increase the accreditation rating. In the presentation, it was explained that the English Literature Study Program of FIB Unpad has pioneered the conversion of accreditation from A (Very Good) to Excellent (Unggul). This study program that has just successfully maintained its A rating in June is also preparing to be internationally accredited. The Head of English Literature’s presentation was supported by information from Lestari Manggong, M.A. who had previously been the Head of the Accreditation Team that brought the study program to receive a commendable rating. The Head of the English Literature Study Program, FBS UHN, Rony Sembiring, M.Hum also provided an explanation on the various efforts possible to ensure and improve the quality of higher education services.
Furthermore, Tri Bigrit Cleveresty, Head of the Quality Control Unit of FIB Unpad also explained the quality control policy both at FIB and Unpad and the instruments utilized. After that, Dra. Emmi Simangunsong, explained the quality control efforts implemented at UNH. The event ended with a discussion about collaboration opportunities that can be carried out by the two higher education institutions, which include student exchanges as well as collaboration in performing arts, research, and organizing student activities. Sandya Maulana, one of the lecturers of English Studies FIB Unpad who is also the editor of Metahumaniora journal, also invited UNH lecturers to become contributors. Meanwhile, Lestari, who is currently serving as Secretary I of the Association of English Study programs throughout Indonesia or English Studies Association in Indonesia (ESAI), invited the FBS UNH English Literature Study Program to become a member of the organization which will hold a Congress in November in Medan.
The FBS UNH group, consisting of 9 people, had visited the Indonesian Institute of Arts and Culture (ISBI) in Bandung the previous day. After the visit to FIB Unpad, the FBS UNH team proceeded to watch ISBI’s performance at the West Java Cultural Park in Dago, Bandung.
Writer: Tim Media FIB Unpad
Translator: Dhia Anaulva Putri