Clean Water Crisis and Waste Emergency, Universitas Padjadjaran Builds Cikahuripan Facility
Jatinangor, West Java — The need for clean water is often an urgency that people often encounter. Unsurprisingly, this will cause people to buy bottled water to get water that is suitable for drinking. Of course, this becomes a new problem related to the environment, especially with the increase in waste which ultimately also has an impact on the quality of clean water.
In response to the existing problems, Universitas Padjadjaran built Cikahuripan as one of the facilities that can be enjoyed by the Unpad community when they need to get clean water to drink for free. The facility was inaugurated in 2023 in response to the clean water crisis and increasing plastic waste.
Before being named ‘Cikahuripan’, the free drinking water facility was named ‘Jalatista’. This facility was built at the end of 2018. Then, it changed its name in 2023. Universitas Padjadjaran’s Director of Innovation and Corporation, Tomy Perdana, explains that the naming has a meaning from the Sundanese language, with ci meaning water and kahuripan meaning life. Thus, Cikahuripan can be interpreted as the water of life.
As for 2023, 16 Cikahuripan facilities have been built at 14 points, such as 9 faculties and 5 supporting facilities, including the Unpad Central Library or commonly known as Graha Kandaga. At this location, Cikahuripan facilities are located inside and outside the building.
Tomy hopes that the construction of Cikahuripan at most points in Universitas Padjadjaran can be the first step in reducing plastic, as well as obtaining clean water suitable for consumption, especially for students, teaching staff, and lecturers.
“Hopefully with this facility, Unpad residents can utilize it optimally,” says Tommy.
The construction of the Cikahuripan facility at Universitas Padjadjaran was also welcomed positively by students. International Relations student, Andi Maulid Zulfikar, tells the Warta Kema team that he felt helped by the facility.
“Within the scope of the campus, it (Jalatista/Cikahuripan) is needed. We can see for ourselves, every minute someone must come to fill (water). So, this can be a saving measure for students because many students can refill their water at Jalatista (Cikahuripan),” Andi tells Warta Kema.
Clean water should be a right that can be accessed by all people. Therefore, the availability of clean water suitable for consumption, such as Cikahuripan owned by Universitas Padjadjaran is the first step in answering sanitation and clean water problems, as well as the environment.
Writer: Maria Imanuella Dewi Sekartaji
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah