Total Expenditure Fund of Faculty of Social Sciences Fund for Arts in 2023

Total Expenditure Fund of Faculty of Social Sciences Fund for Arts in 2023

Ilmu Budaya / September 10, 2024

In 2023, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Padjadjaran allocated funds of IDR 305,723,500.00 to support various arts activities and programs. This expenditure reflects the faculty’s commitment to the development of arts and culture as an integral part of the academic curriculum and campus activities.

Allocation of Funds:

Funds worth IDR 305,723,500.00 were used for various purposes that support the arts at FIB, including:

Funding for Events and Performing Arts: Most of the funds are allocated to organize art events and performances, such as exhibitions, concerts, theater, and dance performances. These activities not only provide a platform for students and lecturers to showcase their artwork but also enrich the cultural experience in the campus environment.

Program and Course Developments in the Arts: This allocation of funding is also used to develop and expand art related programs in the curriculum. This includes costs for organizing workshops, seminars, and training involving artists and art practitioners from various disciplines.

Maintenance and Provision of Art Facilities: A portion of the fund is allocated for the maintenance and procurement of art facilities, including art studios, showrooms, and art equipment and materials required for academic and extracurricular activities.

Support for Students and Lecturers: FIB also uses this fund to support students and lecturers in their art projects, either through grants, scholarships, or logistical support for innovative art projects.

Resilience to the Arts:

This expenditure confirms FIB Unpad’s commitment to the development of the arts as part of higher education. With this investment, the faculty focuses not only on academic achievement but also on the delivery of cultural values and creativity, which are essential for students’ holistic growth.

The funds allocated for the arts in 2023 reflect the faculty’s dedication to continuously enrich the academic environment and strengthen the role of the arts in campus life. Through various programs and initiatives funded, FIB strives to provide valuable and immersive experiences for all members of the academic community, while supporting the development of arts and culture at the local and national level.
Writer: Gilang Januarsyah
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah