Energy Consumption Reduction Plan at FIB Unpad as A Step Toward Sustainability

Energy Consumption Reduction Plan at FIB Unpad as A Step Toward Sustainability

Ilmu Budaya / March 7, 2024

Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Padjadjaran is undertaking an important initiative to reduce energy consumption and support environmental sustainability. In this effort, FIB Unpad has designed several strategic steps to improve energy efficiency across campus facilities. Daman Yusup, M.M., Human Resources and Infrastructure Manager of FIB Unpad, said that there are at least four steps that his team will take regarding this issue.

First, FIB Unpad will conduct a comprehensive energy audit. This audit aims to identify areas that require improvement and find effective solutions to reduce energy consumption. Daman added that FIB will start replacing conventional lights with LED lights. LED lights, known for their energy efficiency and longevity, will reduce energy consumption as well as maintenance costs.

In addition to the lamp replacement, secondly, FIB Unpad will also implement an automatic lighting system. This system uses motion sensors and timers to ensure lighting is only active when needed, thus reducing energy wastage. Utilization of natural light from windows and skylights will also be enhanced, reducing reliance on artificial lighting and creating a healthier and more pleasant environment.

Third, the management of the air conditioning (AC) system will also be optimized. The AC temperature will be set at an optimal level to avoid excessive energy use. In addition, AC filters will be cleaned regularly, and natural ventilation will be used to reduce the need for additional cooling.

By implementing these actions, FIB Unpad aims to lower operational costs and contribute to environmental sustainability efforts. This initiative reflects the faculty’s commitment to creating a more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient campus environment and setting an example for other institutions in implementing good sustainability practices.

Writer: Gilang Januarsyah
Translator: Firda Khoirunnisa