BEM Nursing PSDKU Unpad Holds Blood Donation Event
Jatinangor, October 23, 2023 – Student Executive Board (BEM) Nursing PSDKU Universitas Padjadjaran in collaboration with PMI Pangandaran Regency held a blood donation event at PSDKU Unpad Pangandaran campus, Saturday (21/10).
This activity is the culmination and closing event of a series of “Future Nurse” activities, a work program from the Social and Community Department of BEM Nursing Pangandaran Region as a means to directly apply the skills of nursing students to the surrounding community.
The event was attended by Pangandaran PMI Headquarters Dadang Gunawan, Head of Pangandaran Campus Nursing Study Program Dr. Siti Yuyun Rahayu Fitri, Nursing lecturers, education staff, students from various study programs at PSDKU Unpad, as well as several students from Unpad Jatinangor Campus, including students from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB).
In his speech, Dadang appreciated the donors who had donated their blood. He hoped that this blood donation action could have a positive effect on others in need. Dadang also expected that this activity could be carried out regularly.
By donating blood for others in need, it is expected that students’ sense of caring for others is also built in this activity.
In this activity, a total of 56 blood bags were produced consisting of various blood types, namely A, B, AB, and O.
Writer: Yohanes William Ivakdalam
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah