FIB Unpad Organizes Seminar to Commemorate Gender Issues in Literature, Culture, and Media

FIB Unpad Organizes Seminar to Commemorate Gender Issues in Literature, Culture, and Media

Ilmu Budaya / July 10, 2024

Jatinangor, July 10, 2024 – The Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran pays full attention to issues of hegemony, gender inequality and its resistance in the context of culture, literature, and media. This is reflected in the seminar on gender, sexuality, and cultural hegemony held on July 3, 2024 in the PSBJ Hall.

This seminar is the final semester exam project of the Gender, Sexuality, and Cultural Hegemony course designed by Master of Arts students, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Unpad. As well as the 67th Anniversary of Universitas Padjadjaran, the seminar on gender, sexuality, and cultural hegemony is open not only to the academic community but can be attended by the public.

Starting the presentation in this seminar, Dr. Ari Jogaiswara Adipurwawidjana as the keynote speaker presented a material entitled “Elipsis as a Space for Women to Speak Out.” The activity was continued by 19 presenters consisting of postgraduate students Literary Studies specializing in Contemporary Literature and Cultural Studies who presented various materials. The topics ranged from body, power, and gender performativity to femininity, masculinity, and heteronormativity.

Each material presented by the presenters will be given feedback by the lecturers of the course, namely Prof. Aquarini Priyatna, Dr. Rasus Budhyono, and Dr. Mega Subekti, who are experts in their fields. This seminar aims to prepare Master of Arts students as researchers and get used to presenting the research that has been done.

Writer: Lusiana Dewi Saefudin
Translator: Jauza Maryam Mumtazah