FIB Students Award 2024 : From FIB to the brighter and happier future

FIB Students Award 2024 : From FIB to the brighter and happier future

Ilmu Budaya / June 20, 2024

Jatinangor, 25 May 2024 – The Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran (FIB Unpad) is again presenting a prestigious event that is eagerly awaited every year, namely the selection of FIB Unpad Boys and Girls. This event was held with the aim of providing space for FIB Unpad students to act as Ambassadors for the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Apart from that, it is hoped that with the existence of Putra Putri FIB, the participants can become individuals with character, culture, and be able to have a positive influence on those around them.

This year, FIB Boys and Girls raised the theme “Nawasena Harsa”. This theme, which comes from Sanskrit, means “a future that is bright and brilliant and filled with happiness.” Teh Alya Anandya (as Project Officer for Putra Putri FIB 2024) said that with the theme “Nawasena Harsa”, it is hoped that all parties involved will always be filled with happiness and can learn at this Putra Putri FIB event, so that later this knowledge can be applied as a medium. learning that will be used as preparation for a bright future.

A total of 16 finalists, consisting of the 8 best men and 8 women from various departments at FIB, underwent various series of event activities such as photo shoots, kabisa performances (displaying individual talents), and a quarantine period to see how wide the participants’ insight into various issues around them, both campus, national and global issues.

It doesn’t stop there. Putra Putri FIB presented a very lively peak event, namely the Grand Final of Putra Putri FIB 2024. This event was held on Saturday, 25 May 2024, at 13.00, and took place in the Japanese Language Study Center Hall (PSBJ Hall), and was attended by various parties , like Dr. Taufik Ampera, M. Hum. (as jury and representative of the Dean of FIB), Ali Sophian Wangsadiria (as Chair of the Student Executive Board, Student Family, Faculty of Cultural Sciences), Farhan Chairul Fahmi (as FIB 2023 Son), Putu Keisya Permana Putri (as FIB 2023 jury and daughter), and Alif Muhammad Shalih (as judge and West Java Language Ambassador 2022). Apart from that, the FIB Men’s and Women’s Grand Final was decorated with a traditional dance performance by Teh Salsa Syadzahra (as FIB Talented Princess 2023).

For the sake of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, and for the sake of a bright, brilliant and happiness-filled future, the finalists demonstrate their strengths and worthiness to become Ambassadors of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences by conveying their views and ideas from randomly selected questions. Then, there was a question and answer session between the jury and the finalists as a follow-up to the views and ideas provided by the finalists.

The finalists have shown seriousness in becoming Ambassadors of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. The end of the series of events was marked by the announcement of Favorite Boys and Girls, Talented Boys and Girls, Runners Up, and FIB Boys and Girls 2024. The Favorite Boys and Girls titles were won by Muhammad Ferris Fernanda (as a delegate from the English Literature study program), and Teh Nurul Hafsah Gandari (as a delegate from the Sundanese Literature study program). The Talented Son and Daughter titles were won by Kang Sutan Zaharsyah Darmawan and Audrey Fadhila Fadhlurah (as delegates from the German Literature study program). Runner Up was Arif Fadilah (as a delegate from the Sundanese Literature study program), and Elia Nurul Hidayat (as a delegate from the Arabic Literature study program). Meanwhile, the 2024 FIB Men’s and Women’s titles were crowned by Kang Asep Suryana (as a delegate from the History Science study program), and Teh Marsya Putri Frisnasari (as a delegate from the Japanese Literature study program).

The 2024 Faculty of Cultural Sciences Boys and Girls series has ended. With this event, it is hoped that the winners and all finalists will become individuals with character, culture, and be able to have a positive influence on those around them, and of course achieve and have a bright and brilliant future and be filled with happiness.

Ed. John William Ivakdalam