#2 International Conference on Linguistics (ICL): Linguistic for Humanity

Last updated: Januari 7, 2025

Call for Abstracts

It has been decades since linguistics began to transcend beyond the study of structure. Linguistics has departed from the confines of phonetics and phonology (the study of linguistic sounds), morphology (the study of word formation), syntax (the study of the structure of phrases, clauses, and sentences), and semantics (the study of meanings). Countless studies have been undertaken involving linguistics and other related disciplines. 

Different aspects of human language are also studied under the headings of law and criminology (forensic linguistics), psychology (psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics), communication sciences (pragmatics and semiotics), social sciences (critical discourse analysis), computer sciences (computational linguistics), and cultural studies (ethnolinguistics and linguistic variations). Through such interdisciplinarity, linguistics offers perspectives and solutions to the diverse and complex issues and problems of humanity.

How do interdisciplinary studies involving linguistics address problems of humanity? The Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran invites students, scholars, and experts to share knowledge about and discuss issues of humanity in the International Conference on Linguistics (ICL): Linguistics for Humanity.

We invite contributions for a 10-minute paper presentation addressing the conference topic. Please send a 250-word abstract for individual papers, accompanied by a short biographical note on all speakers (100-150 words) and 5-6 keywords to https://bit.ly/UnpadICL2025 no later than 15th January 2025.

All speakers and participants will be provided with an e-certificate.

Keynote Speeches

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  1. Prof. Martin Everaert
    Utrecht University, Netherland
  2. Dr. Howard Manse
    Monash University, Australia
  3. Prof. Madya. M. Fadzeli Jaafar
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  4. Prof. Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna
    Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  5. Prof. Sakamoto Tadashi
    Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Topic Areas

Topics can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Digital Humanities (DH)
  2. Language Variation (LV)
  3. Forensic Linguistic (FL)
  4. Language and education (LE)
  5. Language teaching & learning (LTL)
  6. Language & media (LM)
  7. Language & culture (LC)
  8. Language & gender (LG)
  9. Language & identity (LI)
  10. Language & health (LH)
  11. Interpretation & translation (I&T)
  12. Indonesian for Speakers of Other Languages (BIPA)

Organizing Committee

The conference is organized by Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Padjadjaran


Programs Fee Note
Presenter Indonesian Presenters IDR 300,000

International Presenters USD 35
Bank Account Number: 9882340518000004
Bank Name: BNI Bank
Account Holder Name: FIB UNPAD
Non-presenting Participants Free

Important Dates

Activities Time
Launching ICL 2025 7 November 2025
Abstract Submission Deadline 15 January 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification 20 January 2025
Conference Day 30 and 31 January 2025

Registration Link

Please kindly access the ICL 2022 registration link for registration: https://bit.ly/UnpadICL2025


Inquiries about the conference may be directed to the organizers at email: fib.conference@unpad.ac.id

Information on the conference can be seen at: http://fib.unpad.ac.id/icl2025/